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We will have two exams this semester. The midterm will make up 20% of the total course grade, while the final will be 25%. Stay tuned for more details!

Final Exam

The final exam will online through blackboard. It will be a 2-hour online final exam.

What’s covered?

Practice Final

Review Sessions

  • Monday 5/2 during our lecture time (in Graham from 12:00-12:50)
  • Wednesday 5/4 during our lecture time (in Graham from 12:00-12:50)
12:00pm - 2:00pm on Wednesday, May 11th.


The midterm will take place in-class, during lecture. It is a 50-minute exam.

Review Session

What’s covered?

Practice Midterm

Review Sessions

  • Tuesday 3/1 from 3:00pm to 5:30pm in the Student Center
  • Thursday 3/3 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm in the Student Center.
  • Review Session Recording: [YouTube] [Zoom] [Passcode: #ZNv!nF9]
12:00pm - 12:50pm on March 4th.