C++ Resources for Pre-Requisite Data Structures
A few of you asked during lecture for resources to brush up on some of the data structures that we will use in this class. Here’s a few pointers that I’ve found particularly helpful.
- <2 minute video intros to stacks and queues
- Data Structures & Algorithms in C++
- Section 5.1 covers stacks
- Section 5.2 covers queues
- Section 9.1 covers maps
- Section 9.2 coveres hash tables
- CLRS (though far less accessible)
- Section 10.1 covers stacks & queues
- Section 11.2 covers hash tables
General C++ Resources
- A lot of minor problems in C++ can be avoided or caught by simply coding with good style. What do we mean by good style? We mean using good names for variables, indenting your code correctly, etc. A great resource for this is Stanford’s CS106B Style Guide.
- Another good resource for C++ is this Debugging Guide
- If you’re already familiar with Python, you can try this Python to C++ Guide
Great Tutorials for Getting Started with C++
Another approach you can take is finding great tutorials for getting started with C++ and simply walking through them, doing them.
- Learn C++ by example! cppbyexample.com is a great resource if you’re completely new to C++ or just unfamiliar with the syntax! It’s full of useful examples, like:
- Learn C++ through an interative tutorial at learn-cpp.org